Nuff Nuff!

Monday, November 21, 2011

54th post

4A10 Class Party on 13 November 2011

Went to 4a10 class party last Sunday. ;) 

Headed to Shuqi's place after breakfast. Were the first to reach, so we spent most of our time talking crap. Shuqi's mum was just so humorous. She never failed to make us laugh. And her sister was so cute, kept presenting us snacks, water, etc and her tongue is so awesome! hahahaa

While watching 王子变青蛙, 
''11 的人觉得阮经天比较帅;10的人觉得明道比较帅。你转过来10啦!'' 

me 10-ers Si

Started to prepare food after Shelley, Manlong, and Waimun reached. 

Shuqi forced us to eat up all the failed or not nice ones. She cooked 30 eggs, we divided each into half, means there will be 60 eggs. But only 20 to 30 left at last. Can you imagine how many eggs we have eaten? oh my goodness... 

Hui and Si helped me to return phone charger to a senior before going down to meet Chihoe. Then Si, Shelley and Weishan went to take photos, so only Hui brought Chihoe up. 

Locked the door before they came in, 

''Class party'' 
''不是。password 是 ‘我很丑’。''
''Okay, 我很丑。'' 

Hui Chihoe 

Went down to move tables and chairs and get everything ready. Took some photos while waiting for the food. 

After that, everyone went mad and started to play with the toothpastes. The toothpastes smell like shyt. Si asked, '做么你买的牙膏酱臭的?' Ms Tan answered '又是你们叫我买最便宜的!' hahaha..

Skip the games part, it's too long to blog. ;P

Started to rain and we moved everything into the hall. Rest for awhile then someone suggested to play 'killer'. Ms Tan became the first target of those killers.
'谁敢杀我,physics 扣5分!' 
'谁敢杀Ms Tan, 我给他5!' 

Before everyone went back, force them to clean it everything. Dabao all the leftovers, drink up all the drinks, cleaned tables and took some photos before we leave.

K. Finally done. Bye. ;)

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